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FESKOM 2024: Academic and Music Festival Collaboration

By November 22, 2024No Comments10 min read

The Graduate Student Association of Postgraduate Program in Communication UI (HIMPASKOM) once again organized the annual Communication Festival (FESKOM). Unlike the previous editions, this year’s FESKOM was made into three series of events, namely webinars, workshops, writing competitions, talk shows, and music corner which will be held from October 3, 2024 to November 9, 2024.

This year’s FESKOM raised a big theme “Technoculture: Humans in Machines”, which focuses on how humans and technology can coexist. Another focus of this year’s series of activities is to change the old negative view of massive technological development into the utilization of technology that leads to human welfare.

The FESKOM series began with a webinar with the theme “Technoculture 101: How To Survive New Generation Era“. Webinar This was presented by Managing Director of Tech in Asia & Co-Founder of JICAF, Novrizal Pratama, and Music Partnership Manager of Youtube Indonesia & Malaysia, Muara Sipahutar. The second series was workshop digital content production, content marketing, and digital branding. Workshop was presented by two academics, Dr. Firman Kurniawan and Dr. Rocky Prasetyo Jati.

The culmination of the big series of FESKOM 2024 itself was held at the Mochtar Riady Building, FISIP UI Depok on November 9, 2024. The peak of the event began with talkshow which was divided into two sessions. The first session discussed the theme ” Technoculture Economy: Future of Finance and Creative Economy“. The session was presented by Noval, Manager of Retail Transaction Banking at Bank Mandiri, Fahmi Akmal, Director of Creative Economy HR Development at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Abiwodo, Branch Manager at BNI, and Dr. Niken F. Ernungtyas, Academician at the University of Indonesia.

Furthermore, the second session raised the theme “Technoculture Art & Humanity: The Future of Truth, Identity, and Self Expression“, which was filled by Karlina Octaviany, AI Advisor Fair Forward GIZ, Dr. Indah S. Pratidina, Academician of the University of Indonesia, Dhini G. Prasasti, Head of Media Management and Communication of DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Cici Anindhita, Co Founder of Karyarupa & General Secretaty ADGI Jakarta, and Caroline Damanik, Deputy Managing Director of In the afternoon, the event then shifted to the hallway of Mochtar Riady Building, where there was a bazaar of local MSMEs ranging from food, drinks, to booths of poetry on the spot. poetry on the spot

for visitors who want to experience hands-on poetry making based on personal life stories. Entertainment was also presented in FESKOM 2024 by presenting music corner which invited up-and-coming local indie bands such as Monday Manda, Paperhouse, and The Carolines.

FESKOM 2024 was closed with a performance from the band Float who performed their hits such as “Three Days for Forever”, “Sementara”, and “Pulang”, which bewitched the audience who attended the afternoon event. (RAP)