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Doctoral Program

Ezki Tri Rezeki Widianti successfully defended her dissertation: Uncovering the Power Relationships Behind TVRI

By August 26, 2024August 28th, 2024No Comments3 min read

DEPOK, Ezki Tri Rezeki Widianti’s struggle to complete her doctoral program finally paid off after she successfully defended her dissertation in the 143rd Communication Science FISIP UI doctoral promotion session held at the Mochtar Riady Auditorium on July 3, 2024. In her dissertation entitled “Power Relations in the Management of Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) as a Public Broadcasting Institution”, Ezki tried to discuss how the first broadcasting institution in Indonesia continued to weaken over time, starting from the Old Order, New Order, to the Post-Reformation era. Ezki’s doctoral promotion session was chaired by Prof. Drs. Adrianus Eliasta Sembiring Meliala, M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Also present were Dr. Hendriyani, M.Si as promoter and Dr. Eriyanto, M.Si as Copromoter. While the Board of Examiners was filled by Prof. Dr. Phill. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Eni Maryani, M.Si., Dr. Nina Mutmainah, M.Si., Dr. Irwansyah, M.A., and Dr. Camelia Catharina L.S., M.Si. Ezki, who served as a member of KPI Pusat for 2010-2013 period, saw that TVRI as a broadcasting institution in its history has always had problematic management. Repeated changes in institutional form is one of the causes, which results in changes in the function and management of LPP TVRI, namely financial management, human resource management, and infrastructure management. The deep involvement of the government, both executive and legislative, plus the television industry climate that is oriented towards the number of viewers, according to Ezki, finally made TVRI as a Public Broadcasting Institution (LPP) difficult to develop, even though TVRI has tried to present educational, informative, and entertaining content. From the results of the research, Ezki hopes that there are rules made more stable to solve the problems experienced by TVRI. Ezki also hopes for system transparency and wider public involvement so that TVRI can present interesting and quality content for the community. (RAP)