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ActivitiesDoctoral Program

Tri Adi Sambogo’s Doctoral Promotion Session: Cultural Activism of Banyumas Independent Films

By August 29, 2024August 30th, 2024No Comments3 min read

DEPOK, University of Indonesia’s Postgraduate Communication Studies Program held another doctoral promotion session. This time, Tri Adi Sumbogo was the person who succeeded in obtaining the 144th doctorate of communication science at the University of Indonesia. Tri Adi successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Cultural Activism of Banyumas Independent Film (Multi Case Study of Purbalingga, Cilacap, and Kebumen Film Communities)” before the board of examiners on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The doctoral promotion session held at the Mochtar Riady Auditorium, FISIP UI, Depok was chaired by Prof. Dr. Dra. Billy K. Sarwono, M.A, and attended by Dr. Nina Mutmainnah. M.Si as promoter, and Inaya Rakhmani, M.A., Ph.D as copromoter. The Board of Examiners consisted of Novi Kurnia, M.Si., Ph.D., Tito Imanda, Ph.D., Dr. Lestari Nurhayati, M.Si., Dr. Ade Armando, M.Sc., and Endah Triastuti, Ph.D. In his dissertation, Tri Adi tried to explore the phenomenon of cultural activism based on local cinema in the context of Indonesian society after authoritarianism that occurred in the Banyumas subculture. Through multi-case study research, Tri Adi conducted research in three film communities in Greater Banyumas, namely Cinema Lovers Community (Purbalingga), Sangkanparan (Cilacap), and Kedung Community (Kebumen). These film activists construct a new cultural reality through film production, distribution, and exhibition in the local context through the Banyumas Film Network. Films also become a medium for public education and creative campaigns on local socio-political issues, where transformative values related to equality, social justice, and humanity are constructed, along with the emergence of alternative knowledge that offers a new perspective on reality. Through this research, Tri Adi hopes to contribute through conceptual enrichment for the terminology of cultural activism that is no longer only reactive and critical of state domination. Cultural activism in this research shows sustainability that is supported by critical pedagogy activities in the media that provide empowerment space for the wider public. (RAP)