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Postgraduate Program in Communication UI Passes the Accreditation Process by AHPGS, Preparing to Become an International Level Study Program

By November 22, 2024January 19th, 2025No Comments4 min read

In order to evaluate and improve the quality of the educational process in accordance with global standards, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Universitas Indonesia (FISIP UI) underwent an international accreditation process since 2022. International accreditation is carried out by the Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences (AHPGS), a German accreditation body with experience in conducting comprehensive assessments of undergraduate and postgraduate study programs in the world. On this occasion, FISIP underwent a joint process with the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FIB UI). From FISIP, the Department of Communication Science is one of the departments assessed in accreditation, especially for the Bachelor of Communication Science (S1) Study Program, the Master Program in Communication (S2) Study Program, and the Doctoral Program in Communication Study Program (S3).

The culmination of this accreditation process was the visitation of AHPGS assessors to FISIP Universitas Indonesia on September 23 and 24, 2024. During the visitation, several lecturers, students, and alumni of the Postgraduate Program in Communication UI at the Universitas Indonesia also participated in interviews with the assessors to launch this international accreditation process. From among the lecturers, present to support directly: Prof. Dr. Billy Sarwono, Dr. Camelia Pasandaran, Dr. D. Chandra Kirana, Endah Triastuti, PhD, Dr. Hendriyani, Inaya Rakhmani, PhD, Dr. Irwansyah, Dr. Reny Yulianty, Dr. Niken Febrina, Dr. Nina Mutmainnah, Nissa Cita, M.Commun., and Dr. Ummi Salamah. As alumni representatives, Postgraduate Program in Communication was supported by Karen Kusnadi, M.Si, Angga Guslim, M.Si, Dr. Agustinus Rusdianto Berto, and Dr. Naniek Novijanti Setijadi. Then for active student representative speakers are Intania Poerwaningtias, Jaka Anindita, Uswatul Chabibah, Diah Ayu Chandraningrum, Muhammad Yunus Zulkifli, and Nur Latifah Umi Saliti. The Postgraduate Program in Communication UI accreditation team was supported by the hard work of LOs who accompanied the assessors throughout the activity, namely Hetty Mery Marbun, Pramudya Ardhika Hernanto, Andari Karina Anom, Rut Rismanta Silalahi who are active S2 and S3 students.

“We will also be proud if Postgraduate Program in Communication UI can be more successful in the international world.”

According to Intania Poerwaningtias, an active student of the Master Program in Communication UI , there are several questions asked by the assessors, such as student course loads, admissions processes, mental health issues, creative writing courses, access for vulnerable groups, and international access. He said he was proud to be part of the accreditation assessment of the Department of Communication Science by AHPGS. Moreover, this accreditation is no longer a national level, but an international level.

“With yesterday’s accreditation, I see that the Department of Communication Science has made many improvements by opening many accesses for all groups of people so that it becomes a more inclusive campus,” said Intania.

“In addition, with this international accreditation, I hope that the involvement of the Department of Communication Science in international academic conversations can be wider. We will also be proud if Postgraduate Program in Communication UI can be more successful in the international world,” she added.

“The importance of collaboration between lecturers and students lies in offering students the widest opportunities for joint activities, especially in teaching and research.”

In line with Intania, an alumnus of the Doctoral Program in Communication, Dr. Agustinus Rusdianto Berto, said that as an alumnus, this involvement is a matter of pride, because he can contribute to helping the Department of Communication Science achieve AHPGS international accreditation.

“During the process, I came to understand that one of the main advantages of the Doctoral Program in Communication recognized by the assessor team is the importance of collaboration between lecturers and students during the learning process, so that lecturers provide the widest possible opportunity for students to do joint activities, especially in teaching and research. This was very useful for me when I decided to “shift” to become a full-time academic like today,” he said. Then Dr. Agustinus R. Berto added, “With this achievement, it is hoped that in the future more international collaborations will be produced, not only between lecturers and students, but also with alumni.” (RAP)