SALEMBA – As the third generation of management, the University of Indonesia Communication Science Graduate Student Association (HIMPASKOM UI) 3.0 held a cross-generation meeting of HIMPASKOM UI management. The program called RAJAKOM (HIMPASKOM Work Meeting) 2024 is an inaugural event that is not just a work meeting, but also carries a meeting between the first, second, and of course the new HIMPASKOM management, HIMPASKOM 3.0.
RAJAKOM took place on Friday, March 1, 2024 on the 6th Floor of the IASTH Building, UI Salemba Campus. This activity aims to listen to the sharing of experiences from the previous HIMPASKOM management, complete with sweet and bitter stories while struggling with student organizations. In addition, to strengthen the relationship between HIMPASKOM UI generations, while introducing the newly formed HIMPASKOM 3.0 management.
Before the event opened, all participants first registered to take part in the cross gift session that took place in the middle of the event. Then the host opened the RAJAKOM event with an introduction session, each participant who attended was not only asked to introduce themselves but also invited to play some small games to break the ice. In addition to introductions, on this occasion HIMPASKOM 3.0 explained the work program that they would carry out during the management period. HIMPASKOM 3.0 continued several work programs that had previously been implemented by HIMPASKOM 2.0, such as the Communication Festival, HIMPASKOM Goes to Society, Great Deliberation, and COMMTALK. The new nuances brought by HIMPASKOM 3.0 include a work program that is no less exciting than the previous work program, including Ruang Hati, Himpaskom Tulis, Big Plate Himpaskom, Himpaskom Berbagi, Acceleration of Commitment, and Himpaskom Berbuka activities.
RAJAKOM is an arena for HIMPASKOM administrators to share experiences while working on management. As stated by Muhammad Fadli, as the representative of HIMPASKOM 1.0, “HIMPASKOM is like a second home, exciting, and fun. Now I think the work program is better than HIMPASKOM 1.0, especially in the arrangement of social media. In the past, we focused mainly on the establishment of the organization, so there was less attention to the work program. Hopefully we can do better in the future.”
Adding to the sharing from HIMPASKOM 1.0, HIMPASKOM 2.0 representatives expressed their deep appreciation for the continuity of the RAJAKOM event which was very totality and lively. Dede Kurniyawan as Chairman of HIMPASKOM 2.0 invited the HIMPASKOM 3.0 board to embrace all active students and establish good communication with the lecturers and staff of the Department of Communication FISIP UI. Of course, with the establishment of a close relationship between HIMPASKOM and many parties, every work program carried out by HIMPASKOM can last.
The event was closed with a light discussion accompanied by dinner together. Although it was brief, there was an atmosphere of intimacy that was created. That’s the story of the student organization activists who gave themselves to be involved in HIMPASKOM UI. Because lectures are not only about learning in the classroom, but can also be colored by building relationships through student organizations. The difference in batches is not an obstacle to sharing experiences of joy and sorrow with HIMPASKOM. Instead, this can foster closeness between HIMPASKOM administrators from various generations. Check out the excitement of the RAJAKOM event here or check out more on Instagram @himpaskom.ui!